TALK VOL.40 | 践谈 • 纽约 第40期 : 建筑师挂钩高科技


Interactivity and connectivity to digital information is more crucial than ever before. In this context, digital technologies are huge opportunities to shift our understanding of traditional architecture practices. Digital tools are not mere methods that solve technical problems, but can impact the way we design, build and inhabit spaces. This discussion by no means wants to draw definitions on the role of computer aided design, but rather wants to draw attention and foster new applications that facilitate architects' work.

Project management at a property tech company starts from deal sourcing and financial underwriting, design and construction management, to post-occupancy evaluation. Each step of the way, computer aided design plays a vital role. We want to take this opportunity to explore the ways computer aided design contributes to project success, from the following aspects: 

-  Achieve both design excellence and efficiency through computer generative design, based on architects’ input and defined rules;

-  Enhance construction accuracy through creating a digital twin of the physical property at an early stage of design ;

-  Improve decision making process through project data collection, management and analysis

近年来, 信息化以及万物互联浪潮正以前所未有的势头改变着各行各业。建筑业也不例外。新的科技技术不仅仅可以直接有效地解决实际问题,更是从根本上改变了我们对于传统建筑从业模式的认知,引发了对于新的设计施工模式以及空间使用的探索。此次交流会无意重新定义新时代下计算机辅助设计,而更侧重于分享新的科技技术将如果辅佐建筑师的日常工作。


  • 利用生成设计(generative design)算法快速推演建筑设计方案

  • 利用数字孪生(digital twin)技术优化设计施工工程

  • 利用大数据技术优化项目管理决策

This Sunday (July 11th) at APT,  Yiwen Che and Darian Lu will share their experiences working as part of the core project development team in a property tech company from a perspective that is both client and design, and the backstories of how quick-turnover spaces were managed to achieve design excellence and project integrity.



Darian Lu


Darian Lu is a practicing architect in New York. She specializes in design and delivery of commercial, residential and hospitality projects. The variety of work exposes her to design typologies of extreme scales, their unique development process, and challenges. With both design and business mindset, she continues to seek improvements that can achieve higher delivery efficiency and better products. After obtaining her Master of Architecture from Columbia University, she practiced with W-Architecture, Skidmore Owings Merrill, and most recently with WeWork. She and her team's work contributed to Waldorf Astoria NYC interior landmark designation, and was recognized with many regional and national awards including the 2019 American Architecture Awards Design Excellence for Julian Lane River Center. Her work was featured in Architecture Digest, Arch Daily, Fox Business, Forbes, and numerous others. 

作为纽约的一名执业建筑师,Darian Lu 擅长从事商务办公室、高端住宅和酒店项目的设计与管理。工作的多样性让她接触到不同种类和规模的建筑项目,及其独特的开发过程和带来的挑战。她凭借着设计和商业思维不断寻求改进,以实现更高的交付效率和更优秀的建筑设计。从哥伦比亚大学毕业后,她先后在纽约 W-Architecture, SOM 和 WeWork共享空间担任高级建筑师及项目经理职务。她和她的团队项目获得多项地区和国家奖项,其中包括2019,2020年美国建筑奖(American Architecture Awards),并多次刊登于《建筑文摘》、《建筑日报》、《福克斯商业》、《福布斯》等众多杂志。同时,她还参与并推动纽约华尔道夫酒店室内成为了纽约市的历史文化地标。

Yiwen Che


Yiwen Che is an Architect/BIM Manager with seven years experience in delivering exceptional design and reliable BIM management in various scales. She is passionate about innovative technology utilization in the AEC industry and real estate property management. Yiwen has worked at Rafael Vinoly Architects, WeWork and KPF in New York City. Her recent focus is on data visualization in architectural design related fields. As the core team member, her web dev project “Content Explorer NYC” was selected to exhibit in NYC Open Data Gallery. Another online exhibition web project she delivered with a team was invited to join “Beyond business: art-driven projects shape the economy of the future” showcase and panel discussion session on S+T+ARTS.

车逸雯先后就职于纽约RVA,KPF,WeWork等国际知名建筑事务所和房产科技公司。作为一名拥有多年建筑设计经验的BIM项目经理,她热衷于在传统建筑、工程和施工(AEC Industry)中探索例如数据驱动设计、数字孪生等创新技术的应用;致力于为各种规模的建筑设计提供可靠的 BIM 技术和管理支持。数据可视化是她近期研究的主题,研究内容包括如何有效地像大众视觉化展示纽约规划信息等。作为主要创作人之一,她的 Content Explorer NYC 项目最近入选了纽约 Open Data Gallery;另一个在线语音视觉互动展厅设计入围 S+T+ARTS 的 Beyond business: art-driven projects shape the economy of the future环节。








Editorial Team: Nicky Chang / Xuhui Zhang / Zhonghan Huang / Kai Wu / Zunheng Lai

践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) 是由年轻设计师组成的开放社群,由来自建筑、室内、景观、规划的具有多元背景的设计师组成,以线上分享讨论、线下座谈参观的活动形式关注设计实践的经验与思考,旨在推动跨界对话和设计创新。践谈APT于2014年底成立于纽约哈德逊河畔的一方小小客厅,现已发展为数千位年轻设计师和线上读者共同营造的设计师生态圈。

践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) celebrates young design talents and creative minds in architecture, design, and urbanism, and fosters an international design community by curating a series of diverse and stimulating cultural events. Through a rich program of office tours, interviews, site visits and lecture series, APT is committed to nurturing design excellence and encouraging interdisciplinary dialogues through the power of online and offline experience. Founded in a small apartment in New York, today APT brings together over thousands of industry influencers and reaches thousands of readers in the design community.